I Girovago, ein bescheidener Dichter spaziert
II Marchand Tailleur und der Nähmaschinensound
III Träume, Visionen: Il vuoto se ne va
IV Istituto di credito, taxfree
V Abscheuliche Grosstuerei: Quelli come lei….
VI Köstliche Esssucht und Knorrlis Suppenrollerswing
VII Zwiegespräche timeless
VIII Puesta de sol: Il passato dilegua, l’anima si tuffa, il cuore si ferma
Acknowledgements: The compositions by Esther Flückiger were supported by the Presidialdepartment of the town of Zurich and the SUISA Foundation for Music.
The starting point are the flying creatures, insects and fantastic creatures, which Flückiger has transformed various times in multimedia projects. Struck by La passeggiata by Robert Walser she got inspired for a musical walk, starting from her 8 compositions Esseri che si librano tra aria e acqua. The project developed in three parts:
1. Recordings with Flückiger of her 8 compositions, improvisations, fragments and text by herself. 2. Electronic elaboration/extension of these record- ings by Maura Capuzzo in a fantastic and unreal dimension of sound, which served Flückiger for the 3rd compository step. This allowed her to get inspired again. She went back to the first step of her compositions, re-elaborated them and the new dimension of time also gave her space to include more,